Saturday, 17 August 2013

Liebster Award | I have been nominated!

Hello my lovelies! Hope you're enjoying your weekends so far.

Earlier on today, I was having a little catch up with all of my recent comments until I came across one from the lovely Becci at Princesses and Pink Champagne. I was delighted to see that Becci decided to choose me as one of the bloggers to nominate for the Liebster Award, as it's always a treat to see that somebody pays attention to and enjoys your posts. It put a big grin on my face! After five months of blogging, it's lovely to get some feedback from somebody in such a sweet way.
The Liebster Award is an award for bloggers with under 200 followers, allowing new and undiscovered blogs to get a little bit of limelight and a chance to meet new readers and other bloggers from around and about. Whoever came up with this idea needs a Nobel Prize Award or something along those lines.
So, here's the first set of rules you'll ever abide by:
  • If nominated, you must answer 11 questions, set by the blogger who nominated you. 
  • In turn, you must provide 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • You must link back to the person who nominated you.
  • You must answer all 11 questions set by whoever nominated you.
  • You must choose 11 bloggers to nominate, all with fewer than 200 followers.
  • You must go to your nominee's blogs and notify them that you have nominated them
That being done on my part, I'll show you the questions Becci gave me, shall I?

1. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of clothes or make up?
Gah, straight into the deep end. I actually think about this quite often, which probably says a lot about the quality of my social life, but I think after a long hard (exhausting) think, I might settle with clothes. I don't think there's anything more exciting than a new outfit, and if it's pretty enough you won't need makeup! 2. You're a movie maker person. You can turn one book into a film. Which book do you pick?
I've read so many books I couldn't even count, so this is another hard question. I think I'd probably choose Looking for Alaska by John Green, because it's so sweet and I'd love to see the film adaptations of the characters.
3. What is the beauty product you cannot life without?

Vaseline! Is that odd? It's a life saver and you can't go wrong with it!
4. What is your favourite beauty brand?

Definitely MAC, though it's not very kind to my purse. I also love Benefit, I'm a big Benefit fan.
5. What is your favourite item of clothing you own?

Probably my Topshop Joni Jeans. I honestly live in them! It's quite disgraceful. I bought a new pair of Mom Jeans today though, so they may take the lead.
6. Why did you start blogging?

I read a lot of blogs quite often before I made one myself, and I took loads of tips and inspiration from them. Then one day I thought, hang on, I love writing and I love music, beauty and fashion, so why not combine them?
7. What is your all time favourite book?

At the moment, Divergent by Veronica Roth. My heart definitely lies with The Ghost's Child by Sonia Hartnett though. It's a beautiful story.
8. You can do one job for the rest of your life. What is it?

Journalism is my absolute dream. I'd die to work for a magazine. As long as I'm writing and traveling, I'm happy.
9. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Chocolate ice cream, without a doubt. I could eat it without stopping, I think.
10.Whose gonna play you in the movie of your life?

If there was a movie of my life it would be incredibly boring. (Who wants to watch me write essays for two hours?) But I would choose Jennifer Lawrence. Not because she's anything even remotely like me, but simple because I love her.
11. Who is your ideal man/woman?

Somebody who has passion, drive and aspirations and also knows how to carry a conversation and make you laugh. They're not interested in what people think of them, and not too absorbed in their own self image, but they take care of themselves. I want a good boy who treats me well! 
Or Harry Styles. Actually, scrap the rest of that answer, I want Harry Styles. (Please.)

Here are the questions I want my lovely nominees to share with us:
1. Hello! First of all, what inspired you to blog?
2. Where is your favourite place to shop?
3. Who are you top style icons?
4. Who would you buy a magazine for if they were on the cover?
5. Who is your favourite YouTuber?
6. What is your favourite band/artist?
7. What's is your most recently downloaded song on your playlist?
8. What is top of your wishlist right now?
9. What would you be doing right now if you were living your dream life?
10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
11.Who is your favourite supermodel?

These are the bloggers I have nominated:
Life And Fashion Explorer
My Fashion Tribe
Oh Hey There Rachel
How Lovely
The Creative Shoot

I didn't quite manage to find 11 bloggers under 200 followers out of the girls I'm following on GFC, so I'm terribly sorry about that! 
Happy Blogging,
Storm x

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